Dec 16, 2009

My Bucket List ..

Today I saw 'The Bucket List' movie ,Inspired and thought of writing my Own Bucket List

The List:

Sky dive
Learn to play Guitar
Be involved in a bar fight
bungee jump
Bike race with my CBZ star on neklace road
Steal a car
To be a Politician (bad kind)
To own an Audi TT
Go to my top three countries:
  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. Norway ( aurora )
Eat 5 chillies =)
Eat a full KFC Party Bucket
Break a Leg/Arm
Spend a night in jail (eventually)
Play a sport for my country(atleast for my state)
Get a six pack and ripped pecs
Climb mount everest
Run a marathon, or triathalon
Make my own website(not blog)
Shoot a gun(pump action short gun)
Shoot a bird (it aint personal, i just wanna try it =))
Fly a plane n Helicopter
To Direct a movie with my favorite hero
To participate in a TV9 debate
Write a book (preferably a series)
Be in a movie (however small the role)
Meet a liverool football player
Watch INDIA play:
  1. Football
  2. rugby
Eat some "special" brownies =)
Get a tatoo (OM)
punch a bear (again i am an animal lover, just want to say i did it =)
be in two places at once
To have a 12 feet teddy bear in my bed room/

Well thats all i can think of for now, if anything else pops into my head i will add it, if you have any suggestions i will add them to the lsit.


Dec 13, 2009

My Convocation Day .. Dec 4th

" Experiences can be good or bad but memories are always sweet"

Convocation- The culmination of a dream. Maybe the first real dream I had - To become a Computer Science Engineer from an International School . Seems just like yesterday that I was in my french class trying to spell "je suis etudiant", I am trying to get my code to work by any possible way.

But between that yesterday and this today, are the two years at ISEP Paris. The highlights of those 2 yrs would be - the terror of Culture shock in the 1st semester, publishing my journal in 'IEEE Jan 2009' on Linear Discrete Computing, and the pressures of getting an internship in the last Semester .

These highlights were punctuated by seemingly never ending tests & Assignments. As I have quoted before "
Experiences can be bitter but memories are always sweet"

After receiving the degree and coming back to Room , I didnt feel the same elation that should come with the completion of the dream. Maybe this was one of those destinations where the journey was more exhilarating than the destination itself. In any case, I have to start looking for new objectives, new dreams. For too long, being a graduate was the only thing on the horizon. Convocation was the symbol to get over it and start moving ahead.

Alrite, enuff of the senti, philosophical stuff.

Dec 10, 2009

Telangana- An Idiotic Idea...

Its very unfortunate that the centre has actually agreed to the formation of a separate Telengana state succumbing to a political stunt by Mr. KSR and bunch of morrons . Agreed that there are issues related to development but those issues are everywhere and just by forming new states all the development issues are not going to get sorted out overnight unless there are sincere bodoland efforts from the leadership and the people living in those states. By agreeing to the demand of separate Telengana state, the centre has paved way for other regions to follow suit. There is already a demand for formation of new states like vidharbha,..etc. and this separate Telengana state will set a bad example for people who are in forefront of such movements . We can understand the division of former states like UP and MP considering the administrative hassles in running them due to their vastness but why do we need to split apart other states when we are a nation envisaging secularity, solidarity and unity. Its high time that the govt. try and initiate some good policies for the development of backwards states if it wants such movements not to flourish. That will also, in a way, sort out the naxalism issue.

Telangana has been littered with failed fads and foolish ideas for the past Fifty years..

Dec 2, 2009

Why do I blog ???

Yeah, this is one question asked by many people, on which I decided to post a blog finally. I've thought about it many times and got some answers:

Top 5 reasons
  • To kill time at office when I'm jobless
  • To help others in doing the same
  • To confuse the general public
  • To channellize the emotions into a relatively harmless sink
  • To catch memorable(?) moments in the form of words

Other reasons..

  • To improve my writing skills
  • To know myself better
  • To help my friends to know me better
  • To know the world better
  • To write about things which are of no practical interest to anyone
So Please drop ur suggestions in the trash .. bcoz i m not going to change..

Nov 27, 2009

Single Player Mode ...

All topics interest me and some haunt me, until I end up writing them in my blog.

In the moment of revelation I found that in the game of life dependency function is disabled we can share our food, money and any attribute but not emotions .I was still trying to take in the notion that 'I AM ALONE in a bunch of morons’. The inextinguishable, undaunted appetite to achieve my dream resulted in a disaster. And it was only at the moment I finished my exam I recognized the enormity of the risk I had taken.

How do I explain this mysterious affinity between my physical and mental entities that resulted in building a new prototype for life, which explains that our life is like a game playing in Single Player Mode.

It is not the things we do in Life that we regret on our death bed ,But it is things we do not.. So Play Urself .

Nov 22, 2009

Missing Home...


I miss home.

And when I say home..

I really mean MOM and DAD.

Gave everything for me .

Thought of sending money perennially.

Reckoning of money n assets r not going to give any happiness for them.

It may be impossible to repay everything.

Now, all they have is each other.

With DAD being so prayerful

and MOM always smiling and shooting her Doubts..

Somehow gives me the assurance that they'll be super okay.

But They are not in need of any financial assistance.

but they want me to sit beside them J

On 13th that was the first time in my adult life I broke into tears thinking abt my 19th month in Paris


Tears can cleanse my eyes but not my thoughts, they are much clear now.

I am not a POET but a PUPPET of Destiny

Let me do ...

There is again, a torrent of thoughts in my mind. Am I a writer? What am I writing? Does it make any sense at all or does it make too much sense? Why do I write? Do I want people to read and tell me it's good or do I hope, but in vain, that my thoughts, once out there, will not surface again to haunt and nag?

When your writing is taken in the opposite sense of what you wanted it to be, doesn't that make you a not-so-good writer? No, I do not need validation here. I do not need anyone telling me whether I am good or bad. These are thoughts aloud.

I do not mean to hurt, I don't think most people in the world intend to hurt others at all. But yet I seem to, by words, spoken, written. Would it be that I am too forthright? Or maybe, like a mother whose child can never do a wrong, I am blind when I write. Maybe I cannot see what you might when you read it. Maybe that is what hurts.

As a writer, as a human being, I feel. And I used to write here because I wanted you to know how I feel . Ain’t I entitled to a little pleasure …

Oct 30, 2009

'0' Hour Review - Technically foreign skeptically slow..

My friend (maverick movie director) took a short film (dur 8 min), So being a movie geek here is my view.

My mind is used to the telugu movie crap from which i cant come out, But after watching it thrice i thought this movie is for intellectuals , But who is intellectuals? Normally foreigners think Indian’s are intelligent, but being intelligent (who said???) i myself cant get into this crap...

Excellent music n editing made it awful to watch, But missing some masala elements n camera work made me nauseatic,

Credits crunch is for 2 min, which is 25 percent of the whole movie I give 6.5 out of 10, you can find some indian names in the final credits

Tailpiece: Do watch if you are good in technical knowledge.


What You Like vs. What You Love

The first is a tricky one: Do I really know what my passions are? My response is yes, of course I know what I love. But I’ve found that when I actually try to define my passions, it becomes less clear, mostly due to the second question.

The second question is this: Do I know the difference between the things I like and things I love? Sure, I like to take all kinds of pictures. I’ve enjoyed photographing a wide variety of things — architectural interiors, school portraits, still life, landscapes, events and the list goes on. I like them all. But I’m not passionate about them all.

This is not about finding the kind of work that will make me happy.

I concluded that the answer is High Dynamic Range images ..dont worry abt morrons ...

Passion Restored ...

My Photography sucks now a days... No new ideas.. don’t want to carry the camera everywhere its looked like an extra luggage ..

But before it was so exciting for me to convert the colourful images to black and white, exciting to tweak the sliders to give them the look of an antique plate, Weekends busy waiting for sunrise and sunset,

n now i am back with a bang by looking into my friends flickr account , I am shocked n sulked by looking into his outstanding work , and how passion brings out the talent in U , At one point i feel myself as the best in HDR, but my eyes wide opened ((q) realised ??? (a) not yet), So it concludes that my passion for photography is not yet concluded..

Oct 20, 2009

Sense of humor...

It is a very sensitive topic as some people try very hard to show that they have a great sense of humor but most of them fails miserably. As it is not at all an easy task to make someone laugh on your joke. Good sense of humor is not very common. There are many levels ofgood humor and that helps people to develop their social circle. One can see it as a well known computer science problem of clustering.Same kinds of people cluster together to make a group.

Blog's Life

Got inspired by someone to bring back this blog to life. I believe I would be able to keep this blog up-to-date with all kinds of fun stuff. So do come back and check it out in future.
From now on, I would put my own thoughts and some times someone else inspiring thoughts here, worth publishing on this blog.

So what I have been doing so far? Well.....I was kinda busy with work and with life. Now, I feel I would be able to find some time for keeping this blog alive.
Till then ciao my friends...

Don’t be football of others opinions..

Well I have been following it but not actively, from now on I will be following it more actively. There is a saying in hindhi “Suno sabki karo mann ki” (Listen to everyone but do it as per for your heart)

Well its very important, because if you start following whatever all your friends and family are suggesting to you, you will end up like football of Team Brazil and at the end you may hurt yourself. Also, this doesn’t mean that stop listening to your near and dear ones, do listen and listen carefully someone may come up with something good for you, but what is “Good” for you should be decided by you only. So for your sake … “Don’t be football of others opinions” … …

Another interesting angle to look at it …. you can take it to ignore this blog as I am asking for you “Don’t be football of others opinions” and by saying that I am also giving you one opinion… so its upto you to make a call, but do remember its you who should be deciding..

Oct 16, 2009

This week ..

It was a busy week. Full of work but with interesting things as well. I met someone, but I'll talk about that awful moment later and I created a bit of an obsession, a healthy one I guess. But I'll explain in a while.

Sep 29, 2009


I wanna start this post with the appropriate quote

A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice.

In my conscience there is no word called ADVICE r precisely I hate the word and I never want to take advice (but morons normally give), Since no two human beings can ever be on the same physical, intellectual or emotional platform, It is stupidity of one person to listen to another person advice r sometimes its to coup up with the dramatic value(especially when dealing with bigwigs in the family).

I Hate YSR...

I hate YSR (though he was not directly connected to me ),for being what i dream to become but i can not.

YSR (1949-2009) may have died suddenly, and at arguably the peak of his political career, but leaves behind strong political legacy. Not many people would have agreed with his supporters' assertion that YSR has been as influential as the late N.T.Rama Rao (NTR) in shaping the AP political discourse. But when one looks at the events leading to his tragic death, and the emotional response to it by his fans, YSR has once again surprised his own expectations.

I don’t want to talk about his horrifying death by describing the mangled body battered with rain for 22 hours, But i believe in karma, If god offered this kind of death to YSR it may be only bcoz god is egoistic, Even in his death he took 144 followers he is symbol of true leadership.

He is the best leader i ever saw in my life with larger than life image ...If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven, And bring you home again to rule us

We miss U YSR That’s Y I hate U.

Sep 18, 2009

Well it is my birthday!

For one day of the year. Do what you want, not what you should do. And so it was today for me. My catch phrase being "well it is my birthday".

I dont want to waste a single minuite bcoz it took 365 days to reach this again , So started with a two giagantic cakes (one from my bonny lakshman and other from Hari) So we started this xactly at 12 and slept at 6 o clock ,then OFFICE

Bac at 6 o clock evening and the rocking started again ,bit worried abt the finished line
I left the ironing, the cheerio encrusted tiles, the unwashed dishes, the pile of ironing, the dusty floor, the toy covered carpet, the pile of administration (now mounting since we are into this new room) . Today calorie counting and guilt was banished, today it was stress free eat what you want day.

Check birthday pics in flickr/praneelpidikiti

So all in all, fab day. Think this coming year is going to be a memorable one :-)

Jul 7, 2009

Federer - Best tennis player of all time

Roger FedererRoger Federer broke Pete Sampras' record when he won his 15th Grand Slam title by beating american Andy Roddick 5-7, 7-6 (6), 7-6 (5), 3-6, 16-14. This is a phenominal achievement considering Federer is only 27 years old. He could therefore quite possibly extend this record even further in the future. His biggest rival is the spaniard, Rafael Nadal, who pulled out of this year's Wimbledon tournament.

It was the longest men's Grand Slam final in history with 77 games played. It was also the longest fifth set in a men's Grand Slam final in history (30 games). Federer server a career high of 50 aces in the match.

Although Federer was my favourite to win it, you have to feel sorry for Roddick; he has never won at Wimbledon but has reached the final three times, losing to Federer every time.

Federer was born in Switzerland and speaks German, French and English fluently. His father is Swiss and his mother is... South African! He's married to Mirka, a former tennis player from Slovakia who was eight months pregnant at courtside, while watching him play in the final. Luckily her water didn't break!

My new Nikon D90

I recently took the plunge and bought the Nikon D90 after a lengthy research. It is a very good camera with lots of features, including a 720p video mode. its an mid level dslr

Had this camera for a month I really enjoy its range of capabilities and I am impressed with the speed, features and image quality I find the live view very helpful for tripod work,the whole game is between

1)Shutter speed

2) Aperture



I got the Nikkor 16-85/3.5 lens to go with it, and I am more than happy with it.


I started up a new category called Photography here where I will post some pictures later on when I have time to go out and take some.

My new Imac

I got my new iMac on Monday (6th July 2009). Firstly, I'd like to thank the help from SillyDog701 members on making the decision. Initially, I decided to get the 20 inchs mac with upgraded speed, HDD and RAM, but few days later, I changed my mind, and decided to go for the bigger model Instead .

So this sexy imac is added to my gadget list .

The spec of this iMac:
20-inch iMac with 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors, 4GB of RAM.

For on line messenger, I tried iChat but not like it. It does not support adding people for other messenger users(may be I don't know). I tried PSI but with no luck to find a server. Finally, I find out Adium. It is a very impressive one. I can add my .Net messenger, Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger there. That is my first experience. I may have to further to find out how it works. By the way, QQ is available for Adium as well.

So far, I am very happy with this new computer. It is amazing computer. I like its interface, easy use and security. More experience will be added later on!

My new Imac Rocks but my Old Wallet sucks !

Jun 19, 2009

A Peep into the Past 1

While adding some photos I had just taken my external hard drive I decided to take a little trip down the saved photos. It's crazy how fast Shivani (my brothers daughter) has grown and how big she has gotten. It seems like just last week I was holding her in my arms . They grow up so fast! She is truly a blessing to my brother n sister in law(bulli) .
While i am doing my engineering playing with her is one among my daily activities , At the time there is nothing much to do.sometimes she used to ask for a chocolate n the first thing to do is to clean my pockets to find atleast 5 bucks , But now i m busy with my work n away from them doing some different stuff(other than playing with children which i m expert in ...) and neglected the little things. Now she is 4 years n i saw her before 15 months , Hope she will recognize me.

Missing Home ....

An easy way to override Chrome bookmarks

It is quite easy to manually override Chrome “Other Bookmarks” with your Firefox bookmarks:
1) In Chrome, click on “Other Bookmarks” and, if you have any, right click on each bookmark and delete it.
2) Use “Import Bookmarks and Settings”, switch to import from Firefox, clear all checkboxes except ‘Bookmarks’ one and hit ‘Import’.
3) This will keep all imported bookmarks in one ‘folder’, which is actually good, because next time when you decide to override Chrome bookmarks, you will need to delete only one Other Bookamrks ‘folder’ by right-clicking on it.

(On WinXP machine Chrome keeps bookamrks in C:\Documents and Settings\-your-name-\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks file. This is a text file which looks similar to XML. )

Jun 17, 2009

Paris Sewer Museum

The curious underground history of keeping Paris clean

"Paris has another Paris under it; a Paris of sewers; which has its streets, its crossings and roads almost the same as the upper view sans traffic

In 1805, before the advent of the modern sewers, Pierre Bruneseau, an adventurer of sorts, decided to map the ancient and aging sewer system. Although even the police were afraid to enter the sewers, Bruneseau did so, and along the way found lost medieval dungeons, jewels and the skeleton of an escaped orangutan. Bruneseau finished his survey in 1812. The ancient system was described by his friend Victor Hugo in Les Miserables as "fetid, wild, fierce . . . nothing could equal the horror of this old, waste crypt, the digestive apparatus of Babylon." Bruneseau was lauded by Paris as "the most intrepid man in your Empire" and "the Christopher Columbus of the cess-pool."

In 1850 Baron Haussmann and engineer EugËne Belgrand designed the modern Paris sewer system. By 1878 the sewer system was over 373 miles long and today the network extends 2,100 kilometers beneath the streets of Paris, or greater than the length from New York to Miami. Hugo said of the new system "The present sewer is a beautiful sewer; the pure style reigns there..."

The Parisian sewers are a kind of mirror to the streets above. All are large enough to accommodate a person and one could rather easily navigate their way around the entirety of Paris through the sewer system. Each sewer "street" has its own blue and white enamel street sign, and each building's outflow is identified by its real street number. The Parisian sewers have always fascinated tourists and the sewers were opened to the public during the World Exposition of 1867. Tourists were originally given tours on a small locomotive drawn wagon, and then, up until the 1970s, in boats, floating down the wide Parisian sewer canals - a sort of Parisian answer to the gondola. Today the Parisian sewer system is closed to all but the 800 egoutiers or sewer workers, with the exception of course of the Les Egouts de Paris, the sewer museum of Paris.

One of the more intriguing displays in the moderately odorous museum is a giant iron ball. The sewers are regularly cleaned using large wooden or metal spheres just smaller than the systemà­s tubular tunnels. The buildup of water pressure behind the balls forces them through the tunnel network until they emerge somewhere downstream pushing a mass of filthy sludge. Keep an eye out for packages whooshing through the "Pneu" or pneumatic tube system that still runs throughout the Parisian sewer.

Resources from:

Paris Sewer Museum
Pont de l'Alma
Place de la Résistance

Largest Man made Hole

The largest man-made hole in the world (surpassed only by the Bingham Copper Mine, UT, USA) is a diamond mine located on the outskirts of Mirny, a small town in eastern Siberia. Begun in 1955, the pit is now 525 meters deep and 1.25 kilometers across. The massive 20-foot tall rock-hauling trucks that service the mine travel along a road that spirals down from the lip of the hole to its basin. Round-trip travel time: two hours. Airspace above the mine is off-limits to helicopters, after "a few accidents when they were 'sucked in' by downward air flow..."

The Giant hole is actually a diamond mine in eastern Siberia near the town Mirna.It is 525m deep and 1.25 km in diameter

Best Book I've Ever Read -The DaVinci Code

I know that I had "The Game (Penetrating through the secrets of pick up artist)by Neill Strauss" as the book that I was reading next, but the library sent me a notice that I couldn't renew this one because there was a waiting list, so nothing much to do I took the DaVinci code as the only option to pass my time.

I saw this movie in the theaters and to be honest, didn't like it that much . I had some friends who read this book and they loved it. Those are the people who asked me to read some english books to improve my english and so I decided to read it. I just finished reading it and I really liked it. It was definitely one that kept my mind going like crazy through the whole thing So i read almost 13 chapters in the Louvre Garden, one chapter before Monalisa painting and two chapters in Saint sulpice Eglise. I loved all of the riddles and things they had to figure out through the process(anagram,templars of knight n cryptex). I actually wish that I hadn't seen it before I read the book because I wasn't surprised at the end. It would have been a huge surprise otherwise. This book is so great! Depending on your religious views you definitely have to take a lot of Courage to discuss. I actually watched the movie again and liked it much better because most of the scenes are incomplete because davinci code cannot be zipped into a 2 hours package because of its detailed script and which after reading the book was filled up with the new flavour information(just like a solved anagram) . When you don't know why they are doing things it projects the saint as a psycho, but after you read the book it isn't at all.
I would never have believed that this is my kind of thriller, but I'm going to tell you something--the more I read, the more I had to read. In The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown has built a world that is rich in fascinating detail, and I could not get enough of it.And the whole book is informative, I came across a lot of information.
Mr. Brown, I am your fan.

Jun 16, 2009

My Swiss Trip .....

Last month, two of my friends came to Paris from London , they had already came to Paris ,So we planned a trip to Switzerland.

Then we prepared the Requirment Chart

1)Three days of vacation (thats a long weekend)
2)A car (we hired one from Hertz)
3)Money (Managed to get some by using the negative balance )
4)Energy (Loads of it)
5)Perfect plan (It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. )

We started from paris at 6am n reached Zurich 8pm in Renault V3 5 seater with tom tom Gps, In Zurich we saw the lake with swarns , and also its channel which you can see here:

On the Second Day ...
Went to Luzern, and saw some Monuments, n this touching street ad:

After that we thought of taking a train to Pilatus, and found that the world's steepest railway was closed till july:

Lots of Photos , Which u can check in my Flickr Account ....

Visited the most disappearing waterfall ever in Lauterbrunnen:

had a snow fight with my friends ,and ate an ice cream which ended up in screwing my throat....

Saw the most beautiful Swiss lake:

In Lausanne, the city with the beautiful cathedral, is the smallest city in the world to have a metro system (details read in the train as u know i am weak in G.K), we passed the fully automated metro line(changed three different trains bcoz we took the train on the wrong direction ..):

At last we thought of crossing the swiss border to lay down for rest in a french hotel(bcoz hotels in swiss are damn xpensive..). After continous driving for 4 hrs and reached french border .

Last day ..

We had seen the Fountain which discharges 500 liters in a second with a speed of 200 km/h(read on the board):Evening we found ourselves in Bern, city, where The Lithium Flag waves over the main street , And had done some shopping (swiss blades n chocolates)

Concluded our(me,Kartheek, Ranjan,Fredric) three day swiss trip with lots of fun n action ....


I like to be alone. It may sound weird but true. In our present culture, being alone is a sign of loneliness, depression or an outcast, but this isn't fair . Spending time alone can be good in terms of reflecting yourself or making decisions (especially personal and important ones). Though it is true that life is about meeting people along the way and the people that touch our lives, it is imperative to say that "no man is an island".

Spending time with yourself can be with different forms like, watching tv, playing video games, read book , etc.

I have read about an article about the positive side of spending time alone.

"Being alone isn't a statement about your relationships. Although I believe that relationships with others are a very important aspect to life and to our happiness, spending time alone is also extremely beneficial to our mental health and happiness. Here is why:

1. Self Discovery: Spending time alone gives you the ability to discover things about yourself and to get a real understanding of who you are. We have grown to appreciate the art of getting to know others, but in reality, it is even more important to get to know ourselves, our preferences, our likes and dislikes without other people's influences.
2. Higher Sense of Independence and Increased Self-Esteem: Being alone and getting comfortable with being alone gives you a higher sense of independence. Relying on yourself to make choices and decisions increases your self confidence, which then permeates other aspects of your life, including the times you are in the presence of others.
3. No Need to Compromise: Often, we compromise when we are in the presence of others. We usually work with one another to reach agreement on everything, from what we will have for dinner to what TV show to watch. Spending time alone allows you to indulge yourself with the things you want to do and the things you love, without any negotiation.
4. Rejuvenation for Your Soul: Getting away from others allows you to decompress and relax. It gives you a break from the have tos and allows you to focus on the want tos. It lets you address your own needs as opposed to everyone elses and gives you the opportunity to rejuvenate and push the 'restart' button.
5. A Fresh Perspective: Time alone gives you the opportunity to clear your mind and to weed through a lot of thoughts. This allows you to get to the heart of what YOU really think as opposed to being told or influenced by others and their opinions. It gives you time to reflect on what is important in your life and how you feel about every day situations that need to be addressed.
6. Higher Appreciation for Those You Love: Giving yourself the ability to be alone allows you to have a greater appreciation for the time you spend with others. If you never have time for yourself, you'll wish you did. It is important to find some balance in this; but once you do, you'll enjoy your relationships even more.

For some, being alone isn't really that simple (based on personal side). Actually it is not for everyone though especially for extrovert persons, but spending enough time alone may only be the time where you can truly live and discover other prospective in life.


An officemate of mine forwarded this email to us, hope it can inspire you too. cheers!



1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
5. Make time for prayer
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2008
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day ---- and while you walk, smile


11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do ; keep your limits
14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25. Call your family often
26. Each day give something good to others
27. Forgive everyone for everything
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day
30. What other people think of you is none of your business
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


32. Do the right things
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
34. GOD heals everything
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
37. The best is yet to come
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Roger Federer : New French Open 2009 (Roland Garros) Champion

Robin Soderling----------------------------Roger Federer

I just finished watching the French Open 2009 Tennis finals between Roger Federer and Robin Soderling and after the long wait and 4th consecutive Roland Garros Final, Roger Federer finally claimed his first French Open Title defeating Soderling in a 6-1 7-6 6-4 scoreline. Roger Federer dominated from the start of the match with a 6-1 win in the first set, then a tie break in the second which is the most tight part of the match and a nerve wracking third set.

As I watch in the final set and Roger Federer was serving for the match leading 5-4 in the third set. Roger just feel the tension and not serving at his best. Almost lost his serve but the Swiss hold on to his nerves and claim the title he has been chasing in his career. Not only he completed the 4 Grand Slam Titles, he equaled Pete Sampras' 14 Grand Slam Record Title which for me considered Federer the greatest Tennis Player of all time.

Mar 17, 2009

What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

All this talk about "stimulus packages" and "bailouts"...

A billion dollars...

A hundred billion dollars...

Eight hundred billion dollars...

One TRILLION dollars...

We'll start with a $100 dollar bill. Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation. Most everyone has seen them, slighty fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go.


A packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000. Fits in your pocket easily and is more than enough for week and can buy 825 KFC party buckets.


Believe it or not, this next little pile is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a small adidas bag.

$1,000,000 (one million dollars)

While a small pile of $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet...

$100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars)

And $1 BILLION dollars... now we're really getting somewhere...

$1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars)

Next we'll look at ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we've been hearing so much about. What is a trillion dollars? Well, it's a million million. It's a thousand billion. It's a one followed by 12 zeros (1000000000000) .

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you $1 trillion dollars...

$1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion dollars)

(And notice those piles are double stacked.)

So the next time you hear bail out of "trillion dollars"... that's what they're talking about.

Feb 13, 2009

Simple Facts ...

Today on my way to work I saw on the train the following: “In case of emergency is better to stay on the train.” Lets say there is a fire, or worse, a Al Qaeda bomb on the train. Maybe people are bound to be on the train and become a nice barbecue. I mean, come on? There may be situations where is better to stay on, but always?

The this other day I asked for a coffee, and on the cup was written: “Careful, may be hot”. Oh really?

Maybe people should put on the water bottles something like: “Careful, if you drink your thirst may be killed.”

Have you guys ever heard of a simple thing called common sense(sense de common)? Everyone knows the coffee is hot, and everyone knows that facing danger they will run as far as they can get.

"He who does not have common sense at age thirty will never have it"

It's snowing in Paris

Can't believe it's actually snowing in Paris. It started at 6.30 this evening with a kind of hailstones which settle on the ground like snow, then it rained but later tonight the real snow started. It's so thick on the ground some folks braving the cold are having snow ball fights outside.

It really is nice with everything so white, and the little snow falling from the sky.

It seems that during the night more will come, with up to 15cm of snow on some areas of Paris(especially Alcatel-Villarceaux). Maybe in the morning I’ll be able to make a snowman :D ,

I love Federer Bcozzzz...

Put on the cream blazer and the gold RF-embossed shoes and join me in saluting the greatest tennis player in the world.

Here are five of the many things I love about the Great Man.

1. The single-handed backhand (c)
No man since Pat Cash and Mohammed Azharuddin has packed so much artistry into a wristy cross-court flick, and this one is neither a moron nor a match-fixer.

2. The rippling forehand
Cross-court, down-the line, from the deuce court or on the off, Federer can hit his forehand anywhere, anytime. And find the line. I was going to exclude the French Open, but Federer is arguably in the Top 10 clay court players of all time. Only problem is, he’s lost to the best ever 4 times in a row.

3. The easy movement
Federer does not look particularly quick, particularly tall, or even especially athletic. He actually looks like a fairly normal bloke. He isn’t.

4. The eyes on the ball
The simplest principle of every ball sport (and boring meetings worldwide) is “keep your eyes on the ball.” Easy to say, hard to do. Yet in photos Federer is usually staring at the ball like Mick Dundee at a water buffalo.

5. The charming arrogance
At his best, Federer is delightfully candid about his brilliance. When it’s suggested his play was absolutely amazing he often says, in effect, “you’re right.” Then there are the shoes …

At last Dont worry abt the 08 09 records bcoz

"Winning isn't everything ,but the will to win is everything"

Jan 28, 2009

Hacking into A Computer Using the Router

If you have access to the router, ultimately you have access to *ANY* computer on the network.

First off, let’s learn about the DMZ. DMZ stands for “Demilitarized Zone”. Basically, every router let’s you add an IP address to this DMZ, leaving the computer that has the the IP *WIDE OPEN* to the internet, meaning the firewall is off, all ports are open, etc.

So what do you do, once you hack into the router’s admin page, and add a computer into the DMZ? You attack the hell out of the computer! We’ll hope that the computer has no software firewall, and just a the router as a hardware firewall, because if it has a software firewall, it’s going to be a lot harder.

Now, here’s the tricky part: Getting access to the box. If you are *ON* the network (not remotely) that the router is on, you could simply plug the IP address into windows explorer (ie: \\\) and look for shared directories. Most likely their will be at least one share on the computer. Their is also an administrator share on ALL win2000/XP boxes located at “\\IP_Address\c$\).

note:dont forget to change your IP address with IP spoofer

If we want full access to the computer, we’ll probably want to find some open ports on the computer and look for running services, such as FTP, Telnet, an HTTP web server, Remote Desktop, etc. Use your favorite port scanner to do this; if you find open ports, go ahead and brute force your way into these services. TelNet would be the best, basically giving you full access to the box.

Of course, you could always search the box for vulnerabilities/exploits using your favorite scanner, such as nessus, etc.

If you spend some time, their is a number of ways you can get access to the box, depending on what kind of box it is. Keep on keepin’ on.

dont try this on Secured TelNet ,this method is working in my appartment(maison de l'Inde) bcoz they are using 18.2 router channel with Denclon and Orange provider.

How To Use Your TV as a Computer Monitor

Many a time I have looked over at my Sony bravio 32" television and thought, why can't I just hook up my computer to that thing and watch telugu movies(N.B.K) on ma big screen? I figured it would beat buying a huge monitor for a ton of cash, right?

Well I looked into it and it can be done but there are some limitations that, in the end, might not make it worth your while. I'll explain later in the article.

  1. Identify your TV's input connections. Most TVs these days have three basic types of inputs. You have your coaxial cable input, the same as your cable box or satellite, an RCA composite input (the yellow, red and white inputs) and an S-video connector. Newer televisions might have Component Video, DVI, VGA or HDMI inputs but the ones listed above are more common.
  2. Identify your computer's outputs. These days computer manufacturers are adding TV compatible outputs on their products so it's easy to hook it up quickly. The S-video in particular seems to be popping up on more and more computers. Mostly you will find the usual VGA output that the regular monitor hooks up to. The newer multi media computers of the near future will probably have all high definition outputs that connect directly to your TV, but for now we will deal with what most people have for both computers and televisions.
  3. Find the appropriate adapter for your connections. You may need to get an adapter so you can hook up your computer to the TV. These have a VGA adapter on one end and (usually) a selection of hookups on the other (S-video, RCA composite and Component). The good thing about these is that you can take it from TV to TV and you'll be able to hook up to all of them. I highly recommend a wireless adapter. It costs a bit more but it's worth not having a big cable mess and not keeping your computer near your TV.
but its a bit costly (in paris it costs around 22 euros(1500 rs))
  1. Connect your computer to your TV. If you have a TV compatible output on your computer, such as an S-video jack, just take an S-video cable and connect it to your computer and your TV. If you do not, then attach your VGA end of your adapter to your computer and use the RCA, S-video or Component Video cable to attach to your TV. After you've made all the connections, make sure you are on the correct TV video input. Press the input button on your TV or remote until you see your computer's signal.

Now, here is where you might get a little disappointed. Your TV's usual video signal is called NTSC (PAL if you live in Europe). This signal is different than the one generated by your computer. Computers use signals measured by pixels: 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 or 1600x1200. Most TV's can only get about 500 lines of resolution, in computers this is like 500 vertical pixels. The video amplifiers in televisions cannot handle higher resolutions either. So when you factor these things together you are left with a maximum resolution of 640x480.

This is not the worst thing in the world because you can play games and watch video in lower resolutions no problem. It's just that you will never get close to the resolution your computer monitor will give you.

Now its time to have some popcorn and a DVD (okka magadu)